Welcome to this week’s edition of the “Our Future Water” newsletter. This issue focuses on Water and Industrial Applications, exploring how innovative water management strategies are essential in supporting sustainable industrial practices. As industries seek more sustainable operations, the role of water management in these efforts becomes increasingly significant.


Customized Water for Industry

Water utilities can provide customized water solutions tailored to meet diverse industrial requirements. Different industrial processes need water of specific qualities, and by delivering precisely treated water, utilities enable businesses to enhance their operations, reduce waste, and boost overall efficiency. This practice helps conserve vital water resources and lessens the environmental impact of industrial operations. Industries can use water more efficiently by utilizing advanced treatment technologies and recycling systems, ensuring their operational needs align with broader sustainability objectives. Discover how Evides in the Netherlands offers reliable industrial water supplies for various uses.

Maximizing Water Use in the Circular Water Economy

Water utilities can assist industries in maximizing their water use within the framework of the circular water economy. This approach focuses on reusing water several times within the production cycle through closed-loop systems before it undergoes treatment and is released back into the environment. By adopting these systems, industries can substantially decrease their water footprint and reduce their reliance on freshwater sources. These practices are not only advantageous for the industries themselves but also beneficial for the broader ecosystem, aiding in substantial water conservation efforts. Explore how Singapore’s Public Utilities Board is driving the private sector’s adoption of industrial water solutions.

Biosolids: From Waste to Resource

Turning waste into resources is a pivotal strategy in the circular water economy. Biosolids, the organic matter recycled from sewage, are increasingly used innovatively. Beyond their traditional use as fertilizers, biosolids are now processed into construction materials. These practices provide a sustainable solution to waste disposal and create new materials beneficial in various industries. This approach exemplifies how waste transformation can contribute to environmental sustainability while supporting economic growth. Read how biosolids from wastewater treatment plants are being transformed into innovative resources in the circular water economy.

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